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Vintage 2019 in Pictures

A pictorial journey through Vintage 2019 

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My Busiest Holidays Yet by Jack

My nine-year-old son wrote a holiday report which despite giving me "mummy guilt" really show how the vintage went from his eyes. My Busiest Holidays Yet by Jack On the holidays me and my family where so busy at the winery we had to make wine we only have like half an hour each day. On the next day it was the same. I wished that one day my family a...

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Vintage 2019 was one of the most difficult vintages I can remember. If I think of our least favourable vintages, they would be 2005, 2006,2007 and this vintage had moments of all of them. Starting the March Long Weekend as usual but quickly noticed our volume was down, significantly down. The flavour looks good for the Chardonnay however we will ha...

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Vintage 2018 Report


If I must describe V18 in one word it would be patience. V18 started very quickly and with social media these days I started to see people in my region start to pick their fruit, as I started to think we should start too. But then I reminded myself to run my own race and question myself as to why are should we pick now. There is no disease pressure...

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