Opening Hours
We are open 7 days a week during school holidays and public holidays 10:00am - 5:00pm
We are open Friday- Monday during school term 10am- 5pm
drop in and try our wine.
Back in 1980 the Western Australian government were printing a map of the 'new' wine industry so we had to come up with a name for this. Galafrey Wines is a family owned business, our surname ˜Tyrer was too hard for people to say (correctly!) or any reference to geographical location was either taken or unpronounceable.
So we got a blackboard and had everyone put suggestions for a name on it. Later we had a dinner party with some of the original winemakers of the district and after copious amount of red wine, we thought Galafrey was the best! The name Galafrey comes from Dr Who. Gallifrey is the home planet of the time lords hence Doctor Who, we changed the spelling so the BBC would not sue us! Galafrey, if broken into two- Gala is Greek for joyous and Frey- a Nordic god of happiness, harvest, love, peace. So we believe it is a nice sounding name.
Galafrey was asked by the Dr Who Fan Club in London to produce the 1987 Chardonnay with an export label with a tardis on it specially for them. And of course we get lots of fans coming to our cellar.
Check out our Blog for a fun post of our Galafrey Wines Dr Who Competition Entries. Good Fun!!
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