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Vintage Snap Shot for the Years- Galafrey Wines Australian Wines


2018 V18 started very quickly but with no desease or weather pressure we were able to have extra hang time for all wines especially reds resulting in higher than average alcohols and ripeness. The Great Southern area will be showing great ripeness and power not often seen in our wines. Look for great floral aromas in whites, intensity and power in ...

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  4244 Hits

Media Release- Galafrey Wines Celebrates 40 Years


GALAFREY WINES CELEBRATES 40 YEARSIt's been a long road with lots of ups and downs. None more so than the last 15 years.In 1976 Ian and Linda Tyrer left their high-profile jobs in the computer industry and searched for a country lifestyle in rural WA. With the new an emerging wine industry in WA Ian and Linda started to do their homework. They sear...

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Celebrating 40 Years Part 2- Galafrey Wines Australian Wines


Move back to vineyard…...In 1993 we moved the winery back to the vineyard building a custom built shed. To make things interesting we moved during vintage. Tank were drop off outside the shed, as the grapes cam in dad picked a tank brought it inside and filled it. Crazy times. It was nicknamed Camp Quangellup as we camp most nights there during vin...

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Celebrating 40 Years Part 1-Galafrey Wines Australian Wines


 Celebrating 40 years 1977-2017"When Ian Tyrer first moved to Mt Barker to set up Galafrey Wines he made an agreement with his Melbourne-born wife, Linda. He said after six months he would ask her if she liked what they were doing and if she did not they would move back east." Twenty two years on I still have not ask that question" Ian Tyrer s...

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  3861 Hits

The Fabulous Ladies Wine Society Q&A with Winemaker Kim Tyrer


From a childhood of grape 'slavery' in the family vineyards to CEO and winemaker for Galafrey Wines, and finalist in the 2016 Australian Women in Wine Awards, Kim Tyrer is one of Western Australia's most fabulous ladies of wine. Read her story. When, why and how did you first enter the wine industry?In 1976, my parents brought a property in Mount B...

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  4089 Hits

Vintage Report 2017- Galafrey Wines Australian Wines


While a later than normal start to vintage it was reminiscent of vintages 10 years ago. It has been so dry in previous years I think we all forgot what it was like to have a wet year!To give you an idea in 2015 we got 650mm and in 2016 844mm. Our average rainfall sits around 600-700mm. So far, this year we have had 136 mm. However, we were lucky no...

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  3559 Hits

Why did we choose Mount Barker? Galafrey Wines Australian Wines


THE REAL SEA CHANGE -30 YEARS AHEAD OF THEIR TIMEGalafrey remains family-owned business and all wines are grown, nurturedand bottled on the estate in Mount Barker WA. Established by Ian Tyrer(1946-2003). Galafrey Wines is survived by mother and daughter team, Lindaand Kim Tyrer. Linda and Kim maintain a hands-on role to ensure that the Galafrey phi...

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  4366 Hits

Our Special Dry Grown Vineyard- Galafrey Wines Australian Wines


If you enjoy powerful red wine with mega flavour then you will love wine that is dry grown. If you have not yet experienced this sublime pleasure then welcome to an amazing new world that is hard to return from. Once sampled dry grown wines are never forgotten and though a rare in this commercial climate, a select few wineries in WA use this fruit ...

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Vintage Report 2016- Galafrey Wines Australian Wines


A dry finish to winter followed by a wet summer provided some difficulty with pest and disease pressure. Since 2007 we have had so many dry summers I think we all forgot how wet the Great Southern can be. Those with experience and a good up to date viticulture program were able to overcome these difficulties and produce a solid vintage of fine frui...

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ABC Radio Interview- Wine body tells West Australian Senate committee hearing government needs to fund marketing to improve profitability

 Winemakers say industry needs reform ( ABC News ) The Rural and Regional Affairs Transport Reference Committee has been hosting Australian Grape and Wine Industry hearings around Australia as part of an inquiry into the wine industry.The winemakers' federation was joined in the Swan Valley by Wines of WA and other industry representatives.Win...

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  3587 Hits

Where does the Name Galafrey come from? Galafrey Wines Australian Wines


Back in 1980 the Western Australian government were printing a map of the 'new' wine industry so we had to come up with a name for this. Galafrey Wines is a family owned business, our surname ˜Tyrer was too hard for people to say (correctly!) or any reference to geographical location was either taken or unpronounceable. So we got a blackboard and h...

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Bushfires Cyclone and One Man's Dream- Galafrey Wines Australian Wine


In 1978 Cyclone Alby hit the great southern in March 1978. Considered one of the biggest most devastating Cyclones in WA history. Linda remembers it well.It was also the first year my Parents Ian and Linda Tyrer first arrived in WA in Mount Barker to set up their vineyard. They gave up their high profile jobs and made the tree change to country WA ...

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  3318 Hits

Vintage Part 3- Vintage Now and Then Podcast- Galafrey Wines Australian Wines

I love that story of Dad and the bees. It is quite funny even at the time JDo you ever wonder how the wine industry has changed over 35+ years? We know! We were there!Now we have the third and final instalment of our podcast. For approx. 10 mins Kim and Linda talk about the difference between vintage then and now. How much the industry has changed....

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  3036 Hits

Vintage Part 2- Bees and Vintage Podcast- Galafrey Wines Australian Wines

I hope you enjoyed the first of our podcasts.Stories are a big part of our history and we treasure them as much as our wine. And we share them as much as we do our wine!!Now for the second.Kim and Linda talk about bees. Bees and vintage????......yep! Bees and vintage!Sit back for approx. 9 mins and enjoy! 

  4606 Hits

Vintage Part 1- Harvest and Hail Podcast- Galafrey Wines Australian Wine

 Even wondered what it is like to own your own winery? Or work at a winery during vintage? The romance, the wine, the people…….the hard work!Sit back, maybe pour yourself a glass of wine? And listening to Kim and Linda talk about Vintage. We start with the stories of Vintage for this year. Starting with our first pick the other night with our ...

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Vintage Report 2015- Galafrey Wines Australian Wines


If there was a theme for this year's vintage it would be 'no, I'm not picking any grapes unless it's a long weekend and there is a festival!'Vintage began in last week of February when we picked all our whites just before the March Long Weekend and the annual Great Southern Taste Festival. Tonnage was down 50% for our Chardonnay (12.8 baume) and Mu...

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  3128 Hits

ABC Interview- Good news for Western Australian wine producers with overall boost in exports

 Australian wine exports have increased in both volume and value in the past 12 months, bringing welcome news for local producers in Western Australia.Figures released by the Australian Grape and Wine Authority (AGWA) show that Australian exports rose in volume by 3.6 per cent and in value by 3.9 per cent in the 12 months to March.AGWA CEO And...

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  3452 Hits

Galafrey Wine Dogs- How much mischief can a wine dog get into?


Galafrey dogs.....oh....the storiesWinery dogs are a big part of the industry and we have always had Jack Russell's here at Galafrey. A great character dog and some great stories too.....Bruce as a puppy in the office bin- he loved to sleep in there!• When we lived in Albany we converted the old wool stores into an apartment and winery. The front d...

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Kim Tyrer Interview for ABC Country Hour regarding the upcoming Mt Barker Harvest


After a couple of dry years, the Mt Barker wine grape growing region is enjoying a healthier season  Country Hour for Friday 2 January, 2015 - Western Australia Country Hour - ABC News After a couple of dry years, the Mt Barker wine grape growing region is enjoying a healthier season Dairy farmers who sell raw 'bath' milk products say they don...

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  3567 Hits

Where does Riesling come from? Noble Rot and Fun Facts about Riesling.


Where does Riesling Come From?Earlier, Riesling was sometimes claimed to have originated from wild vines of the Rhine region, without much support to back up that claim. More recently, DNA fingerprinting by Ferdinand Regner indicated that one parent of Riesling is Gouais Blanc, known to the Germans as Weißer Heunisch, a variety that, while rare to...

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