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ABC Radio Interview- Wine body tells West Australian Senate committee hearing government needs to fund marketing to improve profitability

 Winemakers say industry needs reform ( ABC News ) The Rural and Regional Affairs Transport Reference Committee has been hosting Australian Grape and Wine Industry hearings around Australia as part of an inquiry into the wine industry.The winemakers' federation was joined in the Swan Valley by Wines of WA and other industry representatives.Win...

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Screwcap vs Cork- Australian Wine

Did u know Aussie develop the technology back in the 70s but it wasn't really adopted until the 2000s. The Oz wine industry basically had enough of wines being destroyed by cork!Ralph Kyte-Powell posted this photo on Facebook which I found really interesting.His comments were- 'Just prepared a story for the next edition of Jame Halliday's Wine Comp...

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Galafrey Wines Australian Wines- Our History Part 1


Like most family businesses Galafrey Wines started as a love story.Linda met Ian Tyrer in London in the 70s. Both from Australia, they were travelling the world and working in London in the new and emerging computer Industry. But once they had met and fallen in love talk began of settling down, getting married and having a family. Both had a desire...

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