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Why did we choose Mount Barker? Galafrey Wines Australian Wines


THE REAL SEA CHANGE -30 YEARS AHEAD OF THEIR TIMEGalafrey remains family-owned business and all wines are grown, nurturedand bottled on the estate in Mount Barker WA. Established by Ian Tyrer(1946-2003). Galafrey Wines is survived by mother and daughter team, Lindaand Kim Tyrer. Linda and Kim maintain a hands-on role to ensure that the Galafrey phi...

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Our Special Dry Grown Vineyard- Galafrey Wines Australian Wines


If you enjoy powerful red wine with mega flavour then you will love wine that is dry grown. If you have not yet experienced this sublime pleasure then welcome to an amazing new world that is hard to return from. Once sampled dry grown wines are never forgotten and though a rare in this commercial climate, a select few wineries in WA use this fruit ...

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Galafrey Wines -A Personal Story- Australian Wine


Galafrey Wines remains a family-owned business and all wines are grown, nurtured and bottled on the estate in Mount Barker WA. Established by Ian Tyrer (1946-2003). Galafrey Wines is survived by mother and daughter team, Linda and Kim Tyrer. Linda and Kim maintain a hands-on role to ensure that the Galafrey philosophy is upheld. When Ian Tyrer firs...

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Our Winemaking Philosophy is Simple at Galafrey Wines, Premium Wines Mount Barker WA


Our winemaking philosophy is simplyYOU NEED GOOD GRAPES TO MAKE GOOD WINE!It makes sense. Imagine you got awful, mouldy grapes in at the winery. It will make dirty, mouldy tasting wines. If you have good clean fruit come in at the winery you have good clean wine. Of course you also need to add picking the grapes at the right time so that the acidit...

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